Where do I Start?

Wowww! So I guess it’s been a minute since I’ve written… 🙈😬👀

There is a lot to catch up on and I’m not even sure where to start! 😂

I guess first and foremost, I must say that I am currently living in the US, and no longer living in Honduras. It has been a bittersweet transition, and I still don’t know how long I will live in the States, but I’m doing my best to live a day at a time and bloom where God has planted me.

I am currently living in Arkansas and loving it! I love my church and my youth group. They have gone out of their way to make me feel special and it is truly my home. 🤗🤍

However, I am in Honduras as I write this. I flew down on May 31st and will be here the whole month of June. There have been many times I’ve thought about writing but life gets busy and before you know it…there’s no time left to do anything! 😂

There have been MANY people ask me to post again, or ask me WHEN I’m going to post. I can never promise I’ll be able to keep up with everything, because it seems time goes by so much faster these days and there is so much to do!

This past weekend, we had our youth advance and it was the first one since 2019. The young people who came were so hungry and we felt the Holy Ghost move so strongly. I am planning on writing a separate blog post for that, but as you have all learned by now…it could take me a few months/years to get it out! 😂

There have been a lot of changes in my life. I’ve had to learn how to live the “responsible” adult life. I’ve had to give myself pep talks to build up my confidence to walk into a store or bank or to get enough courage to invite someone to church. 👀🙈😅

When you step out of your comfort zone, it’s a big change and there quite a few obstacles to overcome. I believe it is worth it, though, because in the process God is helping me to grow, to get a little closer to Him, to depend on Him a little more every day. I’ve had my faith grow as I’ve watched Him provide for me time and time again. Every time He answers a prayer or gives me an open (or closed) door, I see His goodness and mercy at work in my life.

I feel like I have been on the Potter’s wheel and he has been making me into a more useful vessel for His kingdom.

This is life. Nothing else can compare to being used of God! 🤍

I’m so grateful He has taken the time to deal with me about certain things and work on me, to mold and make me in His image.

Changes are always a little hard, but the results that come after are encouraging. I have seen God moving in mighty way in Berryville and also here in Honduras since I’ve been here. I’m thankful I could be here in person to see all the things God has been doing.

I was so excited to come to Honduras and the day I flew in I had quite a few things happen to me. Since a lot of you have told me you enjoy hearing my stories, I suppose I’ll share! 😂

My (long) day of traveling started at 2am, when I got up to get ready to leave with my pastor’s wife for the airport. She and I had a special time of conversation on the way to the airport and she even made me a cup of coffee to drink on our way there (because she’s just that awesome!)

The beautiful sunrise; God is amazing! 😍

I got checked in and got to my gate pretty early and on my first flight to Miami I sat next to a girl from Ecuador who was going back to visit her family there for the first time in 2 years! We had a good talk and I showed her some pictures of Honduras and of Berryville. After talking to her for a while, I drifted off to sleep.

…I woke up when I heard the pilot on the loudspeaker say “Do we have any certified physicians onboard?” (Or something like that). I woke up a little disoriented, and observed as the stewards crowed around a lady across the aisle from us. I saw her face for a second and it looked grey and deathly. There were several people who came to try to help her and in the end one nurse stayed with her. She looked pretty sick, and I began to pray that God would heal her as the stewards brought her an oxygen tank.

They were originally planning on making an emergency landing, but after a few minutes of working with her, she began to look a little better. Thankfully, we were able to land in Miami on time and the lady was feeling much better.

I boarded my flight from Miami to Honduras, and I sat next to a man and another lady. I just said hi, but didn’t really introduce myself. We were on board and scheduled to fly out on time, when the stewardess came on the loudspeaker to say that someone had checked in for the flight at 6am that morning and checked two bags on the flight to Honduras. They then left the airport and hadn’t been back. Upon calling them, they stated they had no intentions of coming back to get on the flight (bless their hearts).

So the luggage crew had to dig through all of the suitcases to find the 2 suitcases that were in the plane without their owner. That took us about an hour and something, and after that delay we finally pulled out to the runway. We sat there for a while and began to wonder what was going on. We then were told that they were balancing our weight in the plane, and then we sat there for around another hour.

I’m leaving out how frustrated I was because of the fact that I kept having more delays when I had another flight to catch in Honduras at 3pm. Let’s just say I wasn’t that happy. 😅 The stewardess then came back on the loudspeaker to say that the pilot, copilot and crew had already maxed out their hours and were unable to make the trip, because they would be traveling illegally, and could get fined or have their pilot license taken away.

So…we made our way back to the gate and unloaded the plane. They told us e we could wait at our gate and they would try to find the next available pilot and crew who would be available to take us to Honduras.

I went and sat down to wait and see how long it would take for another pilot to be available. There was a young man seated across from me who asked if I knew what time we would be flying. I told him that I didn’t, but that they said if anyone had questions to go up to the American Airlines desk to ask. He asked me if I could watch his bags while he went and asked, so I said that I could. I watched them and when he got back he said that the earliest they would find one would be around 3:00pm (mind you, our original flight time was around 11:00am). This young man then tells me “I guess I have some time to go get some food. You want to go get a bite to eat with me?”

I was like “No thank you, I don’t think I’m going to eat right now!” I actually was fasting, and also didn’t really want to jump

at the opportunity to go eat with a random young man I’d never met before. So he left and went to get some food and I stayed waiting for a word on when our next pilot would be there.

A few minutes later, he came back and said to me “I bought you a large fry!” I was like 👀 I felt really bad and I was like “No, no, it’s ok. You can have it!” He was like “No, I got it for you because you were so nice to watch my bags.” I really didn’t know what else to do, so I politely said “Thank you!” Then I prayed over the food and asked God to bless my fast. 😂 I had never lived an experience like that before and kept cracking up every time I thought about it.

I did talk the young man and found out he was from Honduras. We had a nice conversation and then finally our new pilot and crew arrived. People started clapping and cheering for them, and we FINALLY got on the plane to go to Honduras.

When we sat back down, people started laughing and talking and when my seat neighbors sat down I looked at them and said “Well, let’s try this again, maybe it’ll work this time!” 😂 By the time we landed in Honduras, it seemed like everyone on the plane was family. People had had a chance to talk to their seat neighbors and get to know them better. There were a lot of people talking, and I was able to talk with the people sitting next to me, too. I was actually able to invite the guy sitting next to me to church! I pray he comes while I’m down here.

I finally made it to Honduras and then I was able to get an Espresso Americano coffee (eta glória 🙌🏼) and see my parents again! The humid air felt good on my skin and the heat wasn’t too overwhelming, thank God. 😅🙈

I ended up staying the night in Progreso with my parents after a big thunderstorm started with lighting hitting hard and rain falling fast! We finished our travels the next day and I was able to see everyone at the learning center that morning. I got to the campground, and allana went in to the room to tell the kids I was there. I heard everyone scream and then start running out to give me hugs. It was one of my favorite parts of the day! I also got to see Fabricio and get a big bear hug from him. I had missed his bear hugs (even if he does almost kill me every time 😂). It was great to see everyone!

I have been keeping busy while I’ve been here, and we’ve having awesome church! I’ve enjoyed all of the family time and quality time with the young people. God has been so good to me! I finally had the privilege to travel out to Ibans to see where Bro Bairon and Sis Mavis moved to and meet everyone out there. There is revival all around and I’m just so thankful I’ve gotten to be a part of it!

Our youth advance ended yesterday, as well, and I am so thankful I was able to be here for this great event! This coming weekend we have revival service and I already have two people who told me they were going to come, so I’m looking forward to it! I can’t wait to see what God does in these coming days. I believe we’re going to see revival through fasting and prayer, too. I’ll try to post more, but as I said before…I make no promise, because I always try not to lie. 😂 I will do my best, that is all I can do! 🤷🏼‍♀️😅

As always, thank you for reading, and have a blessed day!

Sarah Schreckhise

7 Replies to “Where do I Start?”

  1. Wow!! You’re moving to the US!!??
    That so cool!😄 So glad you were able
    To be a witness. The pictures you took
    Are so pretty! I love you. 💕 Hope to see
    You at heritage next month!!😊

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi Sarah! I found your blog a few weeks ago and have been caught up reading your posts! I don’t really know you but you sound like such a great young lady! Hope to see you at heritage in a few weeks. Take care and God bless!!☺️

    Liked by 1 person

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