Where do I Start?

Wowww! So I guess it’s been a minute since I’ve written… 🙈😬👀 There is a lot to catch up on and I’m not even sure where to start! 😂 I guess first and foremost, I must say that I am currently living in the US, and no longer living in Honduras. It has been a …

Making it to the Top of the Hill [Heritage 2021] Part 3

I woke up feeling much better the next day. It was a bittersweet day, because it was the last day of Heritage 2021, and somehow that just didn't seem possible or right. That morning, we had an amazing church service! Bro. Justin Jackson preached about Mount Zion (the church) and about how important it was …

Making it to the Top of the Hill [Heritage 2021] Part 2

On Tuesday night, Pastor Garrett started Heritage off with an anointed message and an urgency in the Spirit. He read the sober lyrics from a song that shook me. "We are coming for your children"; that seemed to be a message from hell to Heritage 2021. We are living in a day where there should …

New Update Coming Soon!

Hello everyone, my sincere apologies for the lack of blogging recently. I’ve been pretty preoccupied these last weeks and even months. There are several highlights of things I need to catch y’all up on/blog about. We are back in Honduras, Nathaniel and Story are married, my car is totaled...yeah, lots to catch up on! 😂 …